ECREEE Meets with the Synergy of Renewable Energy Actors in Togo

ECREEE held a meeting with the Synergy of Renewable Energy Actors in Togo (SAER-Togo) on 19th May 2023 in Lome, Togo. The association brings together actors (Companies, NGOs and associations) of the Renewable Energy sub-sector in Togo. Its purpose is to coordinate actions between its members and promote partnership between them, the Togolese State and national and international organizations. It seeks the creation of synergies between actors in the Renewable Energy sub-sector in Togo and supports the government and technical and financial partners in the implementation of Togo's energy policy. Prof. Yao AZOUMAH, President of the Board of Directors of Saer-Togo and Mr. Francis SEMPORE, ECREEE Executive Director are committed to contributing to the development of the renewable energy sector in Togo and West Africa. The meeting was very enriching and establishes the foundation for greater collaboration between ECREEE and the private sector involved in the renewable energy sector of Togo.

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