Our Partners

Logo Austrian Development Cooperation

Austrian Development Cooperation

Core Donor

Since 2010 the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) provides funding for the establishment of regional sustainable energy centers through the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs and Austrian Development Agency (ADA). So far, ADA has supported the processes of ECREEE, EACREEE, SACREEE, PCREEE, CCREEE, REEECH and SICREEE. 

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Logo Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Core Donor

In 2018 the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs became a core partner of PCREEE and a supporter of joint SIDS-SIDS activities with CCREEE and ECREEE.

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Logo Spanish Cooperation Agency for International Development

Spanish Cooperation Agency for International Development

Core Donor

Since 2011 the Spanish Cooperation Agency for International Development (AECID) provides funding for the establishment of regional sustainable energy centers in close partnership with UNIDO.  So far, AECID has provided financial support to ECREEE and CCREEE. 

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