Caribbean Delegation Engages in OSW Capacity Building in Scotland

Efforts are underway to develop a regional offshore wind (OSW) market in the Caribbean while building regional capacity in the area.


To further this goal, a knowledge exchange study tour was recently conducted by a Caribbean delegation to the city of Aberdeen and the Orkney Islands in Scotland. The delegation comprised two representatives from The Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE): Cherri-Ann Farquharson, Capacity Development and Gender Expert and coordinator of The CCREEE’s knowledge management and capacity building activities and Jean-Michel Parle, Generation Expansion Engineer and project manager for the development of the Regional OSW Strategy and Roadmap; along with Dr. Curtis Boodoo, an Associate Professor at the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) and coordinator for the Masters of Science in Climate Change and Geohazards. The three experts were selected for their roles and expected contributions in further developing and implementing the Regional OSW Strategy and Roadmap.

The visit, which occurred from March 18 to 22, 2024, was a component of the Regional OSW Roadmap and Strategy Project. The project is funded by the Green Cities and Infrastructure Centre of Expertise through the United Kingdom's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (UKFCDO) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and delivered by The CCREEE. The initiative aims to develop OSW champions in the Caribbean, drawn from the public and private sectors, including ministries of energy, utility companies, and regulators in the Caribbean. These champions are expected to help develop the Caribbean’s OSW market.

During the five-day study tour, the delegation visited OSW farms, engaged with industry experts and supply chain companies, and learned about best practices in project planning, technology deployment, and environmental stewardship. They also witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of OSW on the local economy, job creation, and energy security.

Among the sites the Caribbean delegation visited were:

  • National Floating Wind Innovation Centre in Aberdeen
  • The Port of Nigg, one of Scotland’s premier energy industry facilities
  • The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) wave generator test site at Billia Croo, and
  • The Fall of Warness, home of the Orbital Marine Power's O2 tidal device and EMEC's Hydrogen Hub.


While in Orkney, the Caribbean delegation also met with the Orkney Islands Council (OIC) to gain insights into their renewable energy plans and future strategies. Additionally, the trio held talks with the OIC Harbour Authority to understand their marine strategy for offshore wind development and decarbonization plans.

The study tour is one component of Activity 7 of the project, which included developing a targeted capacity-building programme for OSW champions. The program, which consists of six modules, is designed to raise awareness and exchange knowledge on offshore renewable energy technology and management. The program focuses on integrating OSW into the grid and meeting the sector's skill requirements.


The CCREEE team and the UTT provided inputs for the development of the course content, which was created by Aquatera, a downstream partner of the project. Aquatera, which is headquartered in Orkney, hosted the Caribbean delegation during the study tour. Aquatera and Carbon Trust are developing the Regional OSW Roadmap and Strategy with the support and strategic direction of The CCREEE.

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