Tender: Development of a standard and compliance framework for low-emission transport and an electric mobility roadmap for São Tomé and Príncipe, Deadline for applications: 15 June 2023

Project Context: 

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in partnership with the General Directorate for Natural Resources and Energy (DGRNE) of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Natural Resources (MIRN, former MOPIRNA) and the National Designated Authority (NDA) at the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Blue Economy (MPFEA) are implementing the GCF readiness project “Building institutional capacity for a renewable energy and energy efficiency investment programme for São Tomé and Principe”.

It is being executed in close coordination with the ongoing GEF funded UNIDO project “Strategic program to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency investments in the electricity sector of São Tomé and Príncipe”. It is also linked with the regional activities of the Central African Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CEREEAC), which was recently established by UNIDO and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) in Angola, Luanda.

The current policies and regulations regarding low-carbon transport in STP need to be strengthened. With this assignment, UNIDO and the Central African Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CEREEAC) are supporting the Government of STP to improve the policy, regulatory and practical framework for the land transport fuel economy and low emission vehicle uptake, including electric and hybrid vehicles. Due to the limited budget available, the assignment will only focus on land transport. The activities are closely linked with the joint efforts to move towards renewable energy electricity generation. The latter opens up future opportunities for integrated power and e-mobility systems and decentralised solar energy vehicle charging.

The envisaged transport activities are part of the National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NREAP, NEEAP), which were developed under the above mentioned GEF project. Both documents provide the Government with practical guidance on how to make the energy transition a reality by 2030 and 2050. The scenario includes also the introduction of fuel and vehicle standards, as well as a gradual uptake of electric mobility solutions, starting in the tourism sector and with value chains for two- and three wheelers. The undertaken Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) on appropriate climate mitigation and adaptation solutions in STP defines the introduction of electric motorcycles, electric waste cars and buses as a priority. The transport standards will complement the previous work of UNIDO and DGRNE on minimum energy performance standards and a compliance framework regarding electric appliances (lighting, refrigeration, air conditioning).

The GCF project addresses demand and supply-side barriers, which hinder the market introduction of new sustainable energy technology products, services and business models in STP. The readiness project applies a holistic approach and focuses on a paradigm-shift of the entire energy sector. It builds on past and ongoing readiness activities and will complement and/or upscale existing support and close existing gaps in the sectors ranging from government ministries, private sector, energy producers/consumers and other stakeholders.

The GCF project includes support for RE&EE policy and regulation, knowledge management, capacity building, as well as investment and business facilitation. The focus regarding renewables lies on specific regulations and practical documents/procedures, which aim to reduce risks for private participation (e.g. IPPs, PPPs, auto-producers, mini-grids) and project finance (equity, concessional and non-concessional finance), particularly in the area solar photovoltaics (PV) and run-off-river micro/small hydro power. Moreover, the support also taps on innovative areas such as the application of solar thermal systems in the health, tourism and industrial sector, energy storage and smart grids, as well as ocean energy technologies in the context of the blue economy. The activities in the land transport sector focus particularly on the introduction of standards to improve the fuel economy (e.g. vehicle emissions, fuel quality) and electric mobility uptake.

Specific context of the assignment: 

The current policies and regulations regarding low-carbon transport in STP need to be strengthened. With this assignment, UNIDO and the Central African Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CEREEAC) are supporting the Government of STP to improve the policy, regulatory and practical framework for the land transport fuel economy and low emission vehicle uptake, including electric and hybrid vehicles. Due to the limited budget available, the assignment will only focus on land transport. The activities are closely linked with the joint efforts to move towards renewable energy electricity generation. The latter opens up future opportunities for integrated power and e-mobility systems and decentralised solar energy vehicle charging.

The envisaged transport activities are part of the National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NREAP, NEEAP), which were developed under the above mentioned GEF project. Both documents provide the Government with practical guidance on how to make the energy transition a reality by 2030 and 2050. The scenario includes also the introduction of fuel and vehicle standards, as well as a gradual uptake of electric mobility solutions, starting in the tourism sector and with value chains for two- and three wheelers. The undertaken Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) on appropriate climate mitigation and adaptation solutions in STP defines the introduction of electric motorcycles, electric waste cars and buses as a priority. The transport standards will complement the previous work of UNIDO and DGRNE on minimum energy performance standards and a compliance framework regarding electric appliances (lighting, refrigeration, air conditioning).

Specific scope of the assignment

Therefore, UNIDO seeks advisory support of a consultancy company or consortia for the development of a regulatory, standard and compliance framework for promoting low emission land transport fuels and vehicles, including for electric ones. The consultant can base its work on the existing information and available data of ANP and other sources. The main deliverables of the assignment are:

• Baseline reports on the fuel economy and electric mobility (part A)
• Roadmaps on fuel economy and electric mobility enhancement (part B)
• Fuel and vehicle standards, compliance framework and regulations (part C)
• Consultations and trainings on fuel economy and electric mobility policy options (part D and E)

Part A and B of the assignment will focus on the collection of substantive gender-sensitive and aggregated data that will feed into the roadmaps and the development of low-carbon transport policy regulations. The contractor will coordinate with the responsible experts of the STP energy information system on the required format, so the data can be easily integrated later on.

Part C will focus on the development of two documents and regulations related to vehicle emission standards and quality fuel standards in line with ISO/ASTM/IEC practice, as well as a compliance and implementation framework.

Part D will focus on capacity building and replication activities. The expert will organize two training workshops on the baseline reports, roadmaps, as well as the standards. These trainings will be combined with validation workshops, which will feature the participation of the key stakeholders. The meetings will be facilitated by the local UNIDO team at DGRNE and NDA. Finally, UNIDO will facilitate the organization of a GN-SEC webinar, which will inform the National Focal Institutions (NFIs) of CEREEAC and other GN-SEC centers on the results of the assignment. The STP deliverables could be an interesting model for other ECCAS countries.

Part E focuses on consultations with key stakeholders of the energy, petroleum and transport sector to collect reliable data and analyze the causality of the current situation and possible feasible modalities to address potential conflicts or open resistance against the proposed legislation. In this context, it is important to analyze the impact on various stakeholders, industries and interest groups, including low-income groups, women and youth in rural and urban areas. A multi-sectoral technical committee will be established by UNIDO/DGRNE and will review

Bidders are requested to submit their proposals by 15 June 2023 17:00:00 CET through the UNIDO e-procurement portal (https://procurement.unido.org/). In case of difficulties, please contact the UNIDO Help Desk at procurement@unido.org. Further information is available at: Procurement opportunities | UNIDO

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