Development of regional quality infrastructure frameworks on solar thermal energy for the East African Community (EAC) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

Project Title: Structuring of an International Network of Solar Technology and Application Resource Centres (UNIDO Project ID: 190370)

Project Background:

Quality infrastructure (QI) builds the credibility necessary for the creation of healthy, efficient and rapidly growing solar technology markets and ensures that expectations from investors and end-users for technology performance, durability and safety are met. Product and service quality standards are an important prerequisite for the long-term sustainability of solar markets and investments, as well as trust of consumers, suppliers and financiers. QI is also a key requirement for an inclusive energy transition, which creates local solar jobs, income and empowers domestic companies to participate in global or regional value chains of solar manufacturing and servicing.
Globally, more than one hundred international standards relevant for renewable energy technologies have been published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International. Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). International standards for Solar Heating collectors (SHC) have been mainly developed by the ISO. They define test methods for solar thermal collectors, specific components and complete systems.0F1 These core standards are complemented by regional or national standards, which address specific conditions or requirements linked to local regulations.

In the growing markets of developing countries, assurance of product quality is crucial for all components and throughout the value chain of solar thermal heating and cooling (SHC) systems. However, in many countries, quality control of imported off-grid, distributed or utility-scale solar products is lacking and the market is exposed to low-quality imports. Maintaining quality controls for solar thermal components and complete thermal systems is further complicated by the large number of component providers active on the global market

To address these constraints, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the International Solar Alliance (ISA), with funding from the Government of France, are implementing the project “|Structuring of an International Network of Solar Technology and Application Resource Centres”, the STAR C project. The overall objective is to create a strong network of institutional capacities within ISA Member States to enhance quality infrastructure (QI) for the uptake of solar energy products and service markets, particularly in LDCs and SIDS.

Specific objective of the assignment 

In this context, UNIDO and ISA are seeking consultancy advisory support for the development of regional QI frameworks and management systems for solar thermal energy products and services in ECOWAS and the EAC. The assignment includes also the development of a set of standards for essential system components adapted from international standards. The assignment is complementary to another one, which focuses on the improvement of regional solar photovoltaics QI. A competitive tender is being launched simultaneously. Interested bidders can participate in both procurements.

The two concerned regions share significant solar potential and high interest in establishing standards for solar thermal applications regionally. In West Africa, the SHC is not fully proliferated despite efforts to support the technology deployment. Hotter summers and colder dry seasons pose threats to inhabitants of the Sahel region, with cooling and heating solutions pegged to support home systems. Building on the above, the program will support the ECOWAS Quality Agency (ECOWAQ) which oversees the West Africa Competitiveness and Quality Infrastructure Project (WACQIP). WAPQ aims at strengthening efforts for SHC, local sustainable energy entrepreneurship and innovation. All regions are highly interested in improving QI frameworks for renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The present assignment will be the first building block for a long-term regional solar thermal QI process, to be implemented in partnership with the regional economic communities (RECs) within their respective QI policies and processes. The assignment will provide detailed recommendations regarding priority IEC/ISO SHC standards to be included in the regional framework. It will also include the development of new standards for solar thermal products or services in agreement with the scope regions of the assignment. If feasible, relevant IEC/ISO standards will be already incorporated in an adapted manner. Such standards can remain voluntary, or become obligatory if there are included in regulation, legislation, procurement and legal contracts.

Bidders are requested to submit their proposals by September 22nd by registering on the UNIDO e-procurement portal ( In case of difficulties, please contact the UNIDO Help Desk at

Procurement expired