Development of a Business Plan for the Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Central Africa (CEREEAC), deadline 31 October 2023


Development of a Business Plan for the Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Central Africa (CEREEAC) – 2024 to 2030

Project Background

Under the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) program, UNIDO supports the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) in the establishment of the Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Central Africa (CEREEAC), which aims to accelerate the energy and climate transition by providing support “from the region for the region”. The geographic scope of the centre includes Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, São Tomé and Príncipe.

The CEREEAC aims to address demand and supply-side barriers for integrated and inclusive ECCAS sustainable energy product and service markets by promoting economies of scales, equal progress, joint learning and spillover effects between countries. Through cross-border approaches and methodologies, the centres will complement and accelerate national efforts in the areas of policy, regulation, quality infrastructure, qualification, knowledge and facilitation of investment and entrepreneurship. It will serve as a central hub for knowledge, counselling, as well as international and local partnerships.

The creation of the CEREEAC is an important contribution to the envisaged structural transformation in Central Africa. Global emergencies, such as climate change, the COVID-19 health and economic crisis and frequent oil price fluctuations are demonstrating the vulnerability of Central African countries, which are highly dependent on the export of raw materials, including oil and gas. The shift towards renewable energy and resource efficiency, as well as circular economy practices is an important prerequisite for the success of economic diversification, industrialisation, and climate actions. The expansion of higher added value manufacturing and servicing in Central Africa requires rapid investments in climate-resilient lowcarbon energy infrastructure.

During the initial phase, the CEREEAC operates according to the CEREEAC Project Document and Results Framework. During the first operational phase, the document will be replaced by a Business Plan, which reflects the priorities of the new local management. Therefore, UNIDO and CEREEAC are desirous of engaging a professional service provider to develop the 2024-2030 CEREEAC Business Plan (BP). The envisaged business model of the centre is based on the region’s priorities, mobilization of resources from climate and development funds, fee-for-services and RE&EE project development, deployment, and operations.

Objectives and deliverables of the assignment

The CEREEAC BP shall be in line with ECCAS policies and provides guidance on the vision, mission, business model and resource base, offered service packages to key clients and technical priority programs of the centre for the next six (6) years. The BP shall include a detailed Results Framework (incl. gender and age-disaggregated measurable indicators), which will ensure effective management, progress monitoring, reporting, validation and evaluation. It shall also define a feasible and sustainable scenario of budget and resource requirements.

The BP will be prepared in close consultation with the Head of the Start-Up Unit (HSU), the ECCAS Commission, ECCAS Member States and the UNIDO HQs. The contractor will consider the given institutional and technical set-up in the CEREEAC Project Document and Results Framework, as well as the theory of change of the GN-SEC. The BP shall include a feasible and realistic outlook on the potential contribution of the centre regarding the establishment of sustainable energy product and service markets within ECCAS and its impact towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG7, SDG9 and SDG13.


The activities under this contract (final inception report, draft BP, final BP, all deliverables in French and English) should be completed within a period of 6 months from the effectiveness of the contract. A total amount of 70 working days within this period is foreseen which includes home based work and travel days. The assignment may require two travels within the ECCAS region.

Application procedure 

Interested and qualified bidders shall submit their written proposals in English, providing the following information:
• Technical proposal (including proposed approach and methodology, work and activity plan, detailed CVs of experts, copies of university degrees, certifications, licenses as well as a proven track record of implemented assignments); the proposal shall refer to best practice examples of similar BPs and strategic plans.
• Financial proposal in EUR including all costs and taxes (including a detailed work-time-expert diagram indicating daily rates for individual team members); offers without clearly stating the all-inclusive price will be rejected;
• Documents demonstrating the track-record of the project team (e.g. BPs and strategic planning documents in sustainable energy, etc.)

Bidders are requested to submit their proposals by registering on the UNIDO e-procurement portal (Procurement opportunities | UNIDO). In case of difficulties, please contact the UNIDO Help Desk at

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