Expert Group Meetings and Training on Electric Mobility for Bhutanese Transport Experts


The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) with support of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (BMeiA), is organizing  expert group meetings and training on electric mobility for Bhutanese transport experts between 05 and 08 September 2022 in Vienna, Austria. The meetings are organised in conjunction with the 5th Steering Committee of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC). The delegation will participate in a GN-SEC session on regional electric mobility programs and will visit various e-mobility demonstration sites and partners in Austria. 


A response to global emergencies, such as COVID, climate change and escalation of fossil fuel prices, the Government of Bhutan is accelerating its efforts to diversify the economy and rebuild in a more resilient and sustainable way. Apart from renewed activity in traditional sectors, Bhutan aims to tap into the new value chains of sustainable transport. 

In this context, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), with funding from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (BMeiA), is implementing the project "Promoting green electric mobility (e-mobility) solutions for urban transport in Bhutan and the wider Hindukush-Himalaya region", in partnership with the Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC), the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), the Thimphu City Council/City Bus Service and other key stakeholders in the transport and power sector. UNIDO is supporting the country to embark into a transformational pathway towards e-mobility solutions, in line with Bhutan’s 12th Five Year Plan (2018-2023).

The project is supporting the Government in its efforts to implement a “safe, reliable, eco-friendly and sustainable surface transport” program. This programme focuses on the transition towards an intelligent and green public transport system, including a rapid Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) system in the city of Thimphu. The Government aspires to benefit from a full-fledged transition towards electric vehicle solutions. The availability of low-cost hydropower generation capacity makes the country an ideal place to pioneer the low-carbon electrification of the transport sector.

More specifically, the UNIDO project is supporting the Government in piloting e-buses and related infrastructure in the capital city of Thimphu. The project follows a holistic approach and combines interventions in the areas of technology demonstration, policy and planning, capacity building and knowledge management. The project funds the installation of an e-bus pilot, incl. charging infrastructure and required software and provides continued hands-on training for government officials and the bus service providers.The project includes knowledge exchange with other countries in the Hindukush-Himalaya (HKH) region through the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Capacity for the Hindu Kush Himalaya (REEECH) and the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC).

The national execution of the project is being spearheaded by a Project Management Team for E-Mobility, located at the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) in Thimphu, Bhutan. All activities are implemented in close cooperation with the Thimphu City Council and Bus Service. Supervision is provided by a multi-stakeholder Project Steering Committee. 

Purpose of the expert meetings and training:

Enhance the capacities of the national representives from the Prime Minister's Office, the local government officials from the city of Thimphu, and the City Bus Service on the best practices and lessons learned on e-mobility in Austria. 
Visit e-mobility demonstration sites in to learn from latest innovations with relevance for Bhutan. Focus will be given to the policy, technology and business aspects of e-mobility solutions in a comprehensive way.
Present the Bhutanese approach on e-mobility to the GN-SEC centres for further replication. 
Expected results:
Enhanced capacities of the Bhutanese stakeholders to upscale their e-mobility initiative beyond the closure of this pilot project. 
Enhanced visibility of the Bhutanese e-mobility initiative and exchange of relevant experiences with the Austrian e-mobility, policy and business networks.  
Facilitated replication of the Bhutanese e-mobility in other GN-SEC regions.
The expert meeting and training is organized by UNIDO, under the coordination of the GN-SEC team, in collaboration with the City of Thimphu, the Prime Minister’s Office of Bhutan, the Thimphu City Council and Bus Service, Wiener Linien, ÖBB-Postbus, the Green Tech Cluster in Styria, klimaaktiv and other selected partners.
Further information is available in the attached aide memoire. The agenda will be updated regularly. 


Attachment Size
EGM Meeting Schedule 97.44 KB
EGM Aide Memoire 313.75 KB