The 11th Meeting of ECREEE’s National Focal Institutions

Event date
Monday, 24 July 2023 to Friday, 28 July 2023

ECREEE is organizing the 11th meeting of its National Focal Institutions (NFIs), from July 24 -28, 2023 in Niamey, Niger. The overall objective is to strengthen the collaboration between ECREEE and the NFIs   to identify the needs and facilitate the implementation of the various programs and projects in the Member States.

The 5-day meeting will cover, amongst others, the following specific objectives.

  • Review the recommendations of the 10th ECREEE-NFIs meeting;
  • Present ECREEE activity report 2022 and the Strategic Plan 2023-2027;
  • Present the data collected for the development of RE and EE Projects Identification Form (PIF);
  • Present ECREEE’s 2023 Work Plan and the status of implementation to date;
  • Identify country priority projects for resource mobilization and joint implementation;
  • Present the status of the various national action plans (RE, EE, Bioenergy and Gender, Investment Prospectus) as well as to validate the data collection template for RE, EE, bioenergy, and Gender.
  • Validation of the regional progress report for 2021 and 2022
  • Develop a roadmap 2023-2027.    

The meeting will also serve as an avenue to discuss with partners on projects implementation and financing. This meeting will be organized under the aegis of the 13th anniversary of the ECREEE.

The participants expected at this meeting are the Representatives from ECOWAS Commission, the NFIs, the Data Experts, the Representatives of National Energy Efficiency Agency/Departments, technical and financial partners, Resource persons and others.